
Maria Orsic Volume One

Maria Orsic Volume One The Woman Who Originated and Created Earth's First Flying Saucers by Maximillien de Lafayette 2013 Review by Nathan Neuharth (spoilers!) A strange arcane book.  I assume the author is using a pen name.  Maria Orsic herself is a curious and intriguing person in history that is mostly unknown outside of esoteric subcultures and even there a rarity.  It is easy to understand how people like the author of this work become infatuated with her legend.  I admit I want to know more about her, but the trail is thin. The UFU and extraterrestrial experience in Germany differs greatly from the American experience.  The most noticeable difference is the absence of negative elements.  According to this work it all started with the medium and founder of the Vril Society, Maria Orsic, making contact with Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri). The entire occult movement that predated the rise of National Socialism is an enigma.  The Vr...